I am Lebohang. For over a decade I have been working in daycare and I LOVE IT! …. Sometimes you have to take a leap and live your dreams..
That was the birth of something big..
In 2020 I started a homebased christian daycare. Only one and a half year later I had to look for a more spacious accommodation… And guess what??? We found it in Noordwyk on Blougom street. We prepared it to be a preschool and daycare and it looks awesome!!!
Our daycare is called “MINI SEEDS” . In the bible, faith and growing in faith is described as a mustardseed: the tiniest of all seeds has the ability to grow a mighty tree that will be a shelter for birds to nest and people to hide under. Our goal is, to build a close relationship with your child and with the guidance of our heavenly Father, they will be able to develop, grow and thrive much like a tiny mustard seed growing into a huge tree. A tree that is strong, tall and helpful in life.